13.01.10 was R.E.D at Kenny Rogers. R.E.D for Rogers Eating Day. So you can have a quater chicken meal and get another one for free, but you gotta wear something that is red as the term. I knew bout this R.E.D day from an email. Since it's been a while since we last ate at KR (sebab ayam dia dah kecik :P) so i decided to gave my husband a treat.. Keji kan treat buy 1 free 1... Hahahhah.. Ok la tu untuk seorang bekas surirumah merangkap pekerja yang belum dapat gaji.. summore I love the muffin and he wanna to start eating healthy... the R.E.D purpose is to introduce healthy eating menu to the people, so why not we support it... *ayat penyedap selera* hokhokhok. Excitedly, we both wore red shirts and baby Mikael wore blue suit with red snails pattern and made a move to Sunway Carnival.

When we reached at KR, there was a line of about six people and that sixth person was the last person for the day... I looked inside the restaurant and it was full with redders.. Nice energy.. Felt a little bit frustrated as I was drooling for the muffin since we were on the way there. But it's ok. Bukan rezeki...

So we end up having our dinner at my husband's all time favorite fast food restaurant.. KFC.. Well, my husband's and my best friend's all time favorite is KFC.. mine?
still McDonald's :D

When we reached at KR, there was a line of about six people and that sixth person was the last person for the day... I looked inside the restaurant and it was full with redders.. Nice energy.. Felt a little bit frustrated as I was drooling for the muffin since we were on the way there. But it's ok. Bukan rezeki...

So we end up having our dinner at my husband's all time favorite fast food restaurant.. KFC.. Well, my husband's and my best friend's all time favorite is KFC.. mine?
still McDonald's :D
aku pon McD!!haha
kat KL Sentral panjang giler org beratur... so kami pi makan kat food court jek... ekekekek
lalinn; aku pun pakai merah aritue..hahaha..kebetulan, sbb the day dapat email tu aku mc..huhuhu..
apa salahnye kfc..merahh jugorkkk! hahahaha..aku rasa ko buat muffin lagi best dr KR (ayat sedap atikannn)
mmg penuhhh la KR masa tuh,last2 aku mkn subway ajorkk..huhuhu..
lama tak tgk baju merah itu... baju merah itukah? yang ada corak depan baju dia cam sweater2 sket kan.
Nisa : kannnnnnnn... i'm lovin it!!
K : Hahahaha.. thn depan kena g serbu kul 10 pg.
Lalin : sukerrrr kan kfcfccccc.. tadi baru ja dgr citer ngeri dr member aku yg pernah jadi manager kfc... nak dengar kaaaaaaaaa????
Kish : Iya iyaaa.. merah2 yang ituuu... hahaha.. itu saja baju merah yang muat tanpa menampakkan donut big apple kuuuuu.. gagagagag
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