Friday, 3 April 2009

Kembali bersiaran katanyaaa....

Gagagaga... dah dekat 3 bulan tak apdet bagai... mahu tapi maluuuuuu.. apekah??.. ari ni just nak wat simple apdet yang tertangguh sajork sempena birthday my Sayang on 17 Mac ari tu...


Since it was a special day, so i planned to cook something extraordinary than i used to....

A steak... hikhikhik *nyum nyummmm*

Ni first time i wat steak, i mean beef steak.. kalau salmon steak or chicken chop dah biasa buat, n easier... this wan, cam cuak gak la nak make sure the meat was nicely well-done.. ni pun aku rasa i had overcooked it a bit coz cam tak baper nak juicy bagai... nway, hubby loves it very very muchhhh... So i sukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Side dishes tu semua simple sajork except for the baked stuffed potato with cheese. Ada aksi korek2 occayyyy.. First trial gak, resipi dpt kat Sangat kuning sampai ejah ingat LEMONNNN.. voleyyyyy???

Walaupun agak lama i nak plan for his birthday, sebab kena korek idea bagai kannnn... it worth every second of it. I want every birthday is a memorable birthday for him... Luvvvyyyy!! Tahun depan sambut birthday 3 org pulakkkkkkkkk!! Baby is on the way, and we are MaMa n Ayah to be... Never been happier :))


monstorious wife said...

muz nampak kurus sikit berbanding last time I saw him masa wedding aritu.. And congrats for the pregnancy.. I'm happy for both of u..

ejah said...

acececeh ade stroberi disalut ceklat.. siti and datukkkkk K sangattsss!!! hahahah..

anyway, very the luvvy duvvy laaa.. tak sesuai utk bacaan umur 11 thn ke bawah :P hahahaha

Lils said...

Sedapnyer tengok makanan makanan tu Leen.. Bila nak bubuh gambar Leen terbaru ni?

L-e-E-n said...

ilot : gagagaag... kurus oso.. illusi optik pun yerrrrr... akakakakak

ejah : ahahahah mesti mauuuu.. kalau besday ko aku wat 'rambutan anak skolah' celup ceklattt... ko kan peberettttt!!

lily : gambar terbaruku adalah sgt memboyot... nanti la kena buat pose2 confident boroi dulu pastu kite letak ekkk... hikhikik

kishkun said...

alahai leen..makcik lupa lemang dan rendang...apa cerita maseh mengidam kah? sorry morry :(

L-e-E-n said...

kish : huhuhu.. abih dah musim idam lemang katanyaaaaa... nanti la klu ku idam cendol tepi umah ku kompangkan.. agagagaga